
C5-propyne dU - 1 modification

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  • Cat.Number : MD-NB148-IN004
  • Availability :
    In production

Synthesis scale

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Synthesis of 5-(1-propynyl)-2’-deoxy-Uridine (pdU) and 5-(1-propynyl)-2’- deoxyCytidine (pdC) monomers for oligonucleotide synthesis demonstrated that both substitutions enhanced duplex stability while triplex binding was improved by substitution of pdU but destabilized by pdC. Substitution of methyl with 1-propyne at the C5 position of pyrimidines allowed better stacking of the bases since the propyne group is planar with respect to the heterocyclic base. At the same time, propyne is more hydrophobic than methyl and this property contributed to a further increase in binding.

The improved lipophilicity of the propyne group may also improve transport through cell walls. Duplex binding enhancement due to these modified bases was substantial (1.7 °C per pdU residue and 1.5 °C per pdC residue).


Molecular Mass/ Weight
  • 328,22
Modification Position
  • 5'
  • IN
Storage & stability
Resuspension condition
  • - Spin the tube briefly to collect the pellet in the bottom of the tube - Add an appropriate volume of recommended buffer (refer to technical data sheet) - Allow the tube to stand a few minutes - Vortex the tube for 15 seconds
Storage Conditions
  • Dried Oligonucleotides are stable for 18 months at ambiant temperature. Oligonucleotides in solutions are stable for 24 months at -20°C. (Tolerance -20°C± 5°C. ) For more information please refer to the Reconstitution-Storage-Stability page
  • Research use
Code Nacres
  • NA.51

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