
FDG [Fluorescein di-ß-D-galactopyranoside] - 5 mg

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  • Cat.Number : AS-85600
  • Availability :
    In production
  • Shipping conditions : Ice delivery fees must be applied

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Fluorescein di-β-D-galactopyranoside (FDG) is one of the most sensitive fluorogenic substrates available for detecting β-galactosidase. The colorless and nonfluorescent FDG is hydrolyzed to highly fluorescent fluorescein, which exhibits excellent spectral properties (Ex/Em=492/520 nm) that match the optimal detection window of most fluorescence instruments. Galactosidase-catalyzed hydrolysis of FDG can be followed by fluorescence increase around 520 nm. Alternatively, FDG can also be used to detect β-galactosidase in a chromogenic mode since the enzymatic product (fluorescein) exhibits a large extinction coefficient (close to 100,000 cm-1mol-1). In general, fluorescence-based measurements can be several orders of magnitude more sensitive than absorption-based measurements. FDG has been widely used for identifying lacZ-positive cells with fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. FDG is also used to detect β-galactosidase expression in live cells. Fluorescence-based assays employing FDG are also reported to be 100 to 1000-fold more sensitive than radioisotope-based ELISAs.


CAS registry number
  • 17817-20-8
Molecular Formula
  • C32H32O15
Molecular Mass/ Weight
  • 656,59
Absorbance (nm)
  • 492
Emission (nm)
  • 520
Quantity & Purity
  • Minimum Purity: 95%
Storage & stability
  • Lyophilized
Resuspension condition
  • DMSO
Storage Conditions
  • -20°C desiccated and protected from light
Biomarker Target
Detection Method
Research Area
Sub-category Research Area
  • Research use
Code Nacres
  • NA.32

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Common Origins of Hippocampal Ivy and Nitric Oxide Synthase Expressing Neurogliaform Cells.

J Neurosci . 2010 Feb 10 ; 30(6) 2165 | DOI : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5123-09.2010.

  • L. Tricoire
  • et al