
Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg

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  • Cat.Number : AS-60789
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    In stock

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A glutathione-derived heavy metal-detoxifying peptide of higher plants consisting of 4 units of gGlu-Cys.


Sequence one letter code
  • (?E-C)4-G
Sequence three letter code
  • H-?-Glu-Cys-?-Glu-Cys-?-Glu-Cys-?-Glu-Cys-Gly-OH
Molecular Formula
  • C34H53N9O18S4
Molecular Mass/ Weight
  • 1004.1
  • Unconjugated
Quantity & Purity
  • ≥ 95%
Storage & stability
  • Lyophilized
Biomarker Target
Research Area
Sub-category Research Area
  • Research use
Source / Species
  • Plants
Code Nacres
  • NA.26

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