
Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6)

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  • Cat.Number : AS-24190
  • Availability :
    In stock



This peptide corresponds to aa 42-47 of protease-activated receptor-1 (PAR-1) generated upon thrombin cleavage. This sequence is a PAR agonist, acting as a tethered peptide ligand. Free SFLLRN activates PAR-1 independent of receptor cleavage and has been used to probe PAR-1 function in various cells and tissues. This peptide is also known to be capable of activating PAR-2.


Sequence one letter code
Sequence three letter code
  • H-Ser-Phe-Leu-Leu-Arg-Asn-OH
CAS registry number
  • 141136-83-6
Molecular Formula
  • C34H56N10O9
Molecular Mass/ Weight
  • 748.9
  • Unconjugated
Quantity & Purity
  • ≥ 95%
Storage & stability
  • Lyophilized
Biomarker Target
Research Area
Sub-category Research Area
  • Research use
Source / Species
  • human
Code Nacres
  • NA.26

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