We produce parenteral biologics

GMP Plasmids

Highly scalable manufacturing from gram to kg quantities of plasmid for use as DNA vaccines, non-viral gene therapy or starting material for viral vector production.

View our Plasmid offer

GMP Proteins

More than 30 years of experience in the production and purification of recombinant proteins for human use, we are ready for your project goals.

Discover our Protein Production

GMP Conjugates

Experience coupling peptides, proteins, polysaccharides and PEG to proteins for use human use with numerous coupling strategies.

Read more about GMP conjugates

Comprehensive Service Offering

We take your project from your lab to GMP production.

Eurogentec can transfer, develop and optimize fermentation, purification and quality controls methods required to manufacture protein and plasmid material for clinical and commercial uses.

Discuss your project

Why pharma chooses us?

We are a FDA inspected company.
We are focused on microbial production and have 30+ years experience in process development and GMP manufacturing.

GMP Experience

GMP accredited since 1994 

  • +150 custom GMP processes developed
  • +650 GMP batches released
  • FDA inspected facility (inspected 2011, 2013, 2014, 2017)

Unique platforms

Strain specific high density fed-batch fermentation methods

  • Continuous / non-batch based purification methods, highly scalable
  • Off-patent Pichia pastoris expression systems
  • Plasmid manufacturing to 200 g, process scalable to kg

Host System Experience

Manufacturing with all the important microbial strains:

  • E. coli
  • P. pastoris
  • H. polymorpha
  • S. cerevisiae
  • Biosafety level 2 micro-organisms that are non-sporulating

Learn more

Multi-product Manufacturing facility

  • 4 GMP Fermentation suites (80-2200L)

  • 3 GMP Purification suites

  • 1 GMP 0.2 μm filtration suite

Other Therapeutic Manufacturing

Helping our customers to succeed

I am satisfied with your work especially with respect to: very close contact with open mindedness, sincere attitude for customer and building up the relationship as collaborator.

Research Director
Pharma Company
We have received our IND approval from the FDA without serious comments in the CMC section, this could not have been achieved without the advice and collaboration of Eurogentec.
Research Director
Pharma Company

I would like to thank you and your team for the last production. Again, it was a pleasure to cooperate with you. We were very impressed that you were able to meet the tight timelines.

Research Director
Biotech Company
You've done a great job. By far, this GMP batch was the smoothest run I've ever experienced.
Biotech Company

The reports are consistently of a high standard, succinct yet detailed, comprehensive, well articulated and easy to integrate into our system.  Well done and please thank all staff that have been involved.

Biotech Company

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