
Our publications


Ferritin heavy chain–mediated iron homeostasis and subsequent increased reactive oxygen species production are essential for epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

Cancer Res. . 2009 Jun 16 ; 69(13) 5340 | DOI : 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-09-0112.

  • K-H. Zhang
  • et al

Products : Calcein, AM - 1 mg — AS-89201 ; Calcein, AM UltraPure Grade, 5 mM solution in anhydrous DMSO - 200 µl — AS-89203 ; Calcein, AM UltraPure Grade - 1 mg — AS-89202


Contributions of surface topography and cytotoxicity to the macrophage response to zinc oxide nanorods.

Biomater . 2010 Jan 15 ; 31(11) 2999 | DOI : 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2009.12.055

  • T. Zaveri
  • et al

Products : Calcein, AM - 1 mg — AS-89201 ; Calcein, AM UltraPure Grade - 1 mg — AS-89202


Dual fluorochrome flow cytometric assessment of yeast viability.

Current Microbiol . 2010 Jan 05 ; 61(1) 57 | DOI : 10.1007/s00284-009-9576-7

  • B. Hernlem
  • et al

Products : Calcein, AM - 1 mg — AS-89201 ; Propidium iodide - 25 mg — AS-83212 ; DiBAC4(3) [Bis-(1,3-dibutylbarbituric acid)trimethine oxonol] UltraPure Grade - 25 mg — AS-84700 ; Calcein, AM UltraPure Grade - 1 mg — AS-89202 ; Calcein; AM UltraPure Grade Small Package - 20 x 50 µg — AS-89204


Design of experiments approach to engineer cell-secreted matrices for directing osteogenic differentiation.

Ann Biomed Eng . 2010 Dec 01 ; 39(4) 1174 | DOI : 10.1007/s10439-010-0217-x

  • M.L. Decaris
  • et al

Products : Calcein, AM - 1 mg — AS-89201 ; Calcein, AM UltraPure Grade - 1 mg — AS-89202


HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors activate caspase-1 in human monocytes depending on ATP release and P2X7 activation.

J Leukoc Biol . 2012 Nov 16 ; 93(2) 289 | DOI : 10.1189/jlb.0812409.

  • Y.H. Liao
  • et al

Products : Caspase 1 (ICE) Substrate 3f, fluorogenic - 5 mg — AS-25285-5


Large-scale expression in Escherichia coli and efficient purification of precursor and active caspase-7 by introduction of thrombin cleavage sites.

Protein Express Purification . 2009 Sep 25 ; 69(1) 29 | DOI : 10.1016/j.pep.2009.09.014

  • Y. Lee
  • et al

Products : Caspase 3 (Apopain) Substrate 1f, fluorogenic - 5 mg — AS-25273-5


Direct Adsorption and Detection of Proteins, Including Ferritin, onto Microlens Array Patterned Bioarrays.

JACS Communication . 2007 Jul 10 ; 129(30) 9252 | DOI : 10.1021/ja072250m

  • Feng Zhang
  • et al

Products : Streptavidin — AS-60659 ; Streptavidin — AS-60659-100


Monitoring 14-3-3 Protein Interactions with a Homogeneous Fluorescence Polarization Assay.

J Biomol Screen . 2006 Apr 01 ; 11(3) 269 | DOI : 10.1177/1087057105284862

  • Y. Du
  • et al

Products : 5(6)-TAMRA [5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] — AS-81120-1 ; 5(6)-TAMRA [5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine] — AS-81120


Relative Quantum Yield Measurements of Coumarin Encapsulated in Core-Shell Silica Nanoparticles.

J Flouresc . 2009 Aug 18 ; 20(1) 67 | DOI : 10.1007/s10895-009-0523-6

  • E. Herz
  • et al

Products : DEAC, acid [7-Diethylaminocoumarin-3-carboxylic acid] - 250 mg — AS-81210


The Localization of Cytochrome P450s CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 into Different Lipid Microdomains Is Governed by Their N-terminal and Internal Protein Regions.

JBC . 2015 Dec 04 ; 290(49) 29449 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M115.687103

  • J. Park
  • et al

Products : Methoxyresorufin - 5 mg — AS-85707 ; Ethoxyresorufin - 5 mg — AS-85715