
Our publications


Chlamydial plasmid-encoded virulence factor Pgp3 neutralizes the antichlamydial activity of human cathelicidin LL-37

Infect Immun . 2015 Sep 28 ; 83(12) 4701 | DOI : 10.1128/IAI.00746-15

  • S. Hou
  • et al

Products : HNP-1, a-Defensin-1, Human Neutrophil Peptide-1 - 0.1 mg — AS-60743 ; LL-37, Antimicrobial Peptide, human - 1 mg — AS-61302 ; LC-LL-37, biotinylated - 0.5 mg — AS-63693 ; HNP-2, a-Defensin-2, Human Neutrophil Peptide-2 - 0.1 mg — AS-60744


Development of homogeneous nonradioactive methyltransferase and dimethylase assays targeting histone H3 lysine 4.

J Biomol Screen . 2011 Sep 21 ; 17(1) 49 | DOI : 10.1177/1087057111416659

  • N. Gauthier
  • et al

Products : [Lys(Me1)4]-Histone H3 (1-21)-GGK(Biotin) — AS-64355-025 ; Histone H3 (1-21)-GGK(Biotin)-NH2 - 1 mg — AS-61702 ; Histone H3 (1-21) - 1 mg — AS-61701 ; [Lys(Me1)4]-Histone H3 (1-21)-GGK(Biotin) — AS-64355-1


Candida albicans mucin Msb2 Is a broad-tange protectant against antimicrobial peptides.

Antimicrob Agents Chemother . 2013 Aug 01 ; 57(8) 3917 | DOI : 10.1128/AAC.00862-13.

  • M. Swidergall
  • et al

Products : HNP-1, a-Defensin-1, Human Neutrophil Peptide-1 - 0.1 mg — AS-60743 ; LC-LL-37, 5-FAM labeled - 0.1 mg — AS-63694 ; Histatin-5 - 1 mg — AS-61001


Biliverdin and Heme Oxygenase Antibiral Activity Against Hepatitis C Virus.

Ann Hepatol . 2011 Jan 01 ; 10(1) 105 | DOI : PMID: 21301021

  • Y. Gutierrez-Grobe
  • et al

Products : HCV NS3/4A Protease Substrate - 1 mg — AS-60798


Induction of group A Streptococcus virulence by a human antimicrobial peptide.

PNAS . 2008 Oct 28 ; 105(43) 16755 | DOI : 10.1073/pnas.0803815105

  • I. Gryllos
  • et al

Products : CRAMP, mouse - 1 mg — AS-61305


Occurrence of oligosialic acids on Integrin α5 subunit and their involvement in cell adhesion to fibronectin.

J Biol Chem . 2001 Jun 19 ; 276(36) 33657 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M011100200

  • S. Nadanaka
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Cell–Matrix Entanglement and Mechanical Anchorage of Fibroblasts in Three-dimensional Collagen Matrices

Mol Biol Cell . 2005 Nov 01 ; 16(11) 5070 | DOI : 10.1091/mbc.E05-01-0007

  • J. Huang
  • F. Grinnell

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Functional integrin subunits regulating cell–matrix interactions in the intervertebral disc.

J Orthopaedic Res . 2007 Jun 01 ; 25(6) 829 | DOI : 10.1002/jor.20343

  • C. Gilchrist
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Positively charged residues at the five-fold symmetry axis of cell culture-adapted foot-and-mouth disease virus permit novel receptor interactions.

J Virol. . 2013 Jun 05 ; 87(15) 8735 | DOI : 10.1128/JVI.01138-13

  • S. Berryman
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945