
Our publications


Whole-cell biosensor for label-free detection of GPCR-mediated drug responses in personal cell lines.

Biosens Bioelectron . 2015 Jun 23 ; 74 233 | DOI : 10.1016/j.bios.2015.06.031

  • J. Hillger
  • et al

Products : GRGDTP - 5 mg — AS-22948 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950


Glioma Initiating Cells Form a Differentiation Niche Via the Induction of Extracellular Matrices and Integrin αV.

PLoS One. . 2013 May 21 ; 8(5) e59558 | DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0059558

  • A. Niibori-Nambu
  • et al

Products : GRGDTP - 5 mg — AS-22948 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950


A glucagon-like peptide-1 analog liraglutide suppresses macrophage foam cell formation and atherosclerosis.

Peptides . 2014 Jan 10 ; 54 19 | DOI : 10.1016/j.peptides.2013.12.015

  • Y. Tashiro
  • et al

Products : Glucagon-Like Peptide 1, GLP-1 (7-36), amide, human, mouse, rat, bovine, guinea pig — AS-22463 ; Exendin 4 — AS-24464 ; GIP (1-42), human — AS-61226-05 ; Glucagon-Like Peptide 1, GLP-1 (7-36), amide, human, mouse, rat, bovine, guinea pig — AS-22462 ; GIP (1-42), human — AS-61226-1 ; Exendin 4 — AS-24463


A novel high-sensitivity electrochemiluminescence (ECL) sandwich immunoassay for the specific quantitative measurement of plasma glucagon.

Clin Biochem . 2012 Aug 04 ; 45(18) 1640 | DOI : 10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2012.07.111.

  • JH. Sloan
  • et al

Products : Glucagon (1-29), bovine, human, rat, porcine, Biotin-labeled — AS-60274-1 ; Glucagon (1-29), bovine, human, rat, porcine, Biotin-labeled — AS-60274-05 ; Glucagon (1-37), Oxyntomodulin, porcine - 1 mg — AS-22455


Ghrelin enhances in vivo skeletal muscle but not liver AKT signaling in rats.

Obesity . 2007 Nov 01 ; 15(11) 261 | DOI : 10.1038/oby.2007.313

  • R. Barazzoni
  • et al

Products : Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24158 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24159 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24160 ; Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24157


Ghrelin protects against cell death of hippocampal neurons in pilocarpine-induced seizures in rats.

Neurosci Lett . 2009 Jan 30 ; 453(1) 58 | DOI : 10.1016/j.neulet.2009.01.067

  • J. Xu
  • et al

Products : Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24158 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24159 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24160 ; Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24157


Ghrelin treatment protects lactotrophs from apoptosis in the pituitary of diabetic rats.

Mol Cell Endocrinol . 2009 Jun 18 ; 309(1-2) 67 | DOI : 10.1016/j.mce.2009.06.006

  • M. Granado
  • et al

Products : [Des-octanoyl]-Ghrelin, human - 1 mg — AS-61177 ; [Des-octanoyl]-Ghrelin, rat, mouse - 1 mg — AS-60981


Effects of repeated administered ghre3lin on chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve in rats.

Neurosci Lett . 2010 Jun 01 ; 479(3) 226 | DOI : 10.1016/j.neulet.2010.05.066

  • E. Guneli
  • et al

Products : Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24158 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24159 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24160 ; Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24157


Effects of different feeding programs and ghrelin injection on plasma ghrelin concentrations and distribution of the ghrelin positive cells in the abomasum of Awassi male lambs.

Revue Méd. Vét. . 2011 Jan 01 ; 162(2) 65

  • N. Ozfiliz
  • et al

Products : Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24158 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24159 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24160 ; Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24157


The effects of ghrelin on ovary histology in Barbus sharpeyi.

J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr . 2011 Jan 28 ; 95(5) 599 | DOI : 10.1111/j.1439-0396.2010.01089.x.

  • H. Mabudi
  • et al

Products : Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24158 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24159 ; Ghrelin, rat, mouse Peptide — AS-24160 ; Ghrelin, human Peptide — AS-24157