
Our publications


Protease activated receptor-1, but not -2, -3 and -4, is the player in the pathogenesis of atrial fibrosis; The experiment by neonatal rat atrial fibroblasts.

Int J Cardiol Heart Vessel.  . 2013 Nov 13 ; 2 21 | DOI : 10.1016/j.ijchv.2013.11.005

  • I. Keiichi
  • et al

Products : Anti-Actin (alpha Smooth muscle specific) - 50 µg — AS-29553 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-4, PAR-4 Agonist, amide — AS-60218-5 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-4, PAR-4 Agonist, amide — AS-60218-1 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-3, PAR-3 Agonist, amide - 1 mg — AS-62938


P2X1 stimulation promotes thrombin receptor-mediated platelet aggregation

J Thrombosis Haemostasis . 2006 Apr 01 ; 4(4) 882 | DOI : 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2006.01849.x

  • JA. Erhard
  • et al

Products : Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6) — AS-24190 ; Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6) — AS-24190-25 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-4, PAR-4 Agonist, amide — AS-60218-5 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-4, PAR-4 Agonist, amide — AS-60218-1 ; Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6) — AS-24191


Bile salt–dependent lipase interacts with platelet CXCR4 and modulates thrombus formation in mice and humans

J Clinical Invest . 2007 Dec 01 ; 117(12) 3708 | DOI : 10.1172/JCI32655

  • L. Panicot-Dubois
  • et al

Products : Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6) — AS-24190 ; Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6) — AS-24190-25 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-4, PAR-4 Agonist, amide — AS-60218-5 ; Protease-Activated Receptor-4, PAR-4 Agonist, amide — AS-60218-1 ; Thrombin Receptor Activator for Peptide 6 (TRAP-6) — AS-24191


Copper-induced synthesis of ascorbate, glutathione and phytochelatins in the marine alga Ulva compressa(Chlorophyta).

Plant Physiol Biochem . 2011 Oct 11 ; 51 102 | DOI : 10.1016/j.plaphy.2011.10.007

  • M. Mellado
  • et al

Products : Phytochelatin 2, PC2 - 1 mg — AS-60791 ; Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg — AS-60789 ; Phytochelatin 3, PC3 - 1 mg — AS-60790 ; Phytochelatin 6, PC6 - 1 mg — AS-61191 ; Phytochelatin 5, PC5 - 1 mg — AS-61190


Determination and characterization of cysteine, glutathione and phytochelatins (PC 2–6) in Lolium perenne L. exposed to Cd stress under ambient and elevated carbon dioxide using HPLC with fluorescence detection.

J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. . 2011 Apr 22 ; 879(20) 1717 | DOI : 10.1016/j.jchromb.2011.04.016

  • XH. Ju
  • et al

Products : Phytochelatin 2, PC2 - 1 mg — AS-60791 ; Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg — AS-60789 ; Phytochelatin 3, PC3 - 1 mg — AS-60790 ; Phytochelatin 6, PC6 - 1 mg — AS-61191 ; Phytochelatin 5, PC5 - 1 mg — AS-61190


Biochemical and physiological changes in jack bean under mycorrhizal symbiosis growing in soil with increasing Cu concentrations.

Environ Exp Botany . 2010 Apr 01 ; 68(2) 198 | DOI : 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2009.11.009

  • SAL. Andrade
  • et al

Products : Phytochelatin 2, PC2 - 1 mg — AS-60791 ; Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg — AS-60789 ; Phytochelatin 3, PC3 - 1 mg — AS-60790 ; Phytochelatin 6, PC6 - 1 mg — AS-61191 ; Phytochelatin 5, PC5 - 1 mg — AS-61190


Analysis of phytochelatin complexes in the lead tolerant vetiver grass [Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)] using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.

Environ. Pollut. . 2009 Mar 17 ; 157(7) 2173 | DOI : 10.1016/j.envpol.2009.02.014

  • SS. Andra
  • et al

Products : Phytochelatin 2, PC2 - 1 mg — AS-60791 ; Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg — AS-60789 ; Phytochelatin 3, PC3 - 1 mg — AS-60790 ; Phytochelatin 5, PC5 - 1 mg — AS-61190


Separation and quantification of monothiols and phytochelatins from a wide variety of cell cultures and tissues of trees and other plants using high performance liquid chromatography.

J. Chromatogr. A . 2008 Aug 13 ; 1207(1-2) 72 | DOI : 10.1016/j.chroma.2008.08.023

  • R. Minocha
  • et al

Products : Phytochelatin 2, PC2 - 1 mg — AS-60791 ; Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg — AS-60789 ; Phytochelatin 3, PC3 - 1 mg — AS-60790 ; Phytochelatin 5, PC5 - 1 mg — AS-61190


Effects of Zn on plant tolerance and non-protein thiol accumulation in Zn hyperaccumulator Arabis paniculata Franch.

Environ Exp Botany . 2011 Feb 01 ; 70(2-3) 227 | DOI : 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2010.09.009

  • X-W. Zeng
  • et al

Products : Phytochelatin 2, PC2 - 1 mg — AS-60791 ; Phytochelatin 4, PC4 - 1 mg — AS-60789 ; Phytochelatin 3, PC3 - 1 mg — AS-60790