
Our publications


A novel class of fusion polypeptides inhibits exocytosis

Mol Pharmacol. . 2004 Dec 17 ; 67(4) 1137 | DOI : 10.1124/mol.104.004275

  • K. Matsushita
  • et al

Products : TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-5 ; TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-1


Wavelength-dependent differential interference contrast microscopy: selectively imaging nanoparticle probes in live cell

Anal Chem. . 2009 Nov 15 ; 81(22) 9203 | DOI : 10.1021/ac901623b

  • W. Sun
  • et al

Products : TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-5 ; TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-1


Identification of a Novel Sodium-Coupled Oligopeptide Transporter (SOPT2) in Mouse and Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells

Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. . 2010 Jan 01 ; 51(1) 413 | DOI : 10.1167/iovs.09-4048

  • P. Chothe
  • et al

Products : TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-5 ; TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-1


Resolving rotational motions of nano-objects in engineered environments and live cells with gold nanorods and differential interference contrast microscopy

J Am Chem Soc.  . 2010 Nov 02 ; 132(46) 16417 | DOI : 10.1021/ja106506k

  • G. Wang
  • et al

Products : TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-5 ; TAT (47-57) Peptide Fragment — AS-60023-1


Phosphorylation of HIV Nef by cAMP-dependent protein kinase

Virology. . 2005 Jan 20 ; 331(2) 367 | DOI : 10.1016/j.virol.2004.11.004

  • PL. Lia
  • et al

Products : T20, Enfuvirtide - 1 mg — AS-61235


The JAMM motif of human deubiquitinase Poh1 is essential for cell viability

Mol Cancer Ther. . 2007 Jan 01 ; 6(1) 262 | DOI : 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-06-0542

  • M. Gallery
  • et al

Products : Calpain Substrate Suc-LLVY-AMC, fluorogenic substrate - 5 mg — AS-63892


Polyubiquitin Linkage Profiles in Three Models of Proteolytic Stress Suggest the Etiology of Alzheimer Disease

J Biol Chem. . 2011 Jan 28 ; 286(12) 10457 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M110.149633

  • E. Dammer
  • et al

Products : Calpain Substrate Suc-LLVY-AMC, fluorogenic substrate - 5 mg — AS-63892


Enzymatic triggered release of an HIV-1 entry inhibitor from prostate specific antigen degradable microparticles

Int J Pharm.  . 2011 Jul 15 ; 413(1-2) 10 | DOI : 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2011.04.004

  • MR. Clark
  • et al

Products : Suc-Arg-Pro-Tyr-pNA - 5 mg — AS-20586


Sustained Receptor Stimulation Leads to Sequestration of Recycling Endosomes in a Classical Protein Kinase C- and Phospholipase D-dependent Manner

J Biol Chem.  . 2009 Jun 11 ; 284(33) 22322 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M109.026765

  • J. Idkowiak-Baldys

Products : TRAP-6, amide (STAL-2) - 5 mg — AS-60679


Thrombin stimulation of proteoglycan synthesis in vascular smooth muscle is mediated by PAR-1 transactivation of the transforming growth factor βtype I receptor

JBC . 2010 Jun 22 ; 285 26798 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M109.092767

  • ML. Burch
  • et al

Products : TRAP-6, amide (STAL-2) - 5 mg — AS-60679