
Our publications


Structural diversity of the active N-terminal kinase domain of P90 ribosomal S6 kinase 2

PLoS One. . 2009 Nov 30 ; 4(11) e8044 | DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0008044

  • M. Malakhova
  • et al

Products : S6 Kinase Substrate (229-239) — AS-27192 ; S6 Kinase Substrate (229-239) — AS-27191 ; S6 Kinase Substrate (229-239), Amide, Biotinalyted - 1 mg — AS-27193


In vitro assessment of blood compatibility: Residual and dynamic markers of cellular activation

J Biomater Appl. . 2011 Dec 29 ; 27(8) 925 | DOI : 10.1177/0885328211428525

  • G. Johnson
  • et al

Products : Thrombin Substrate S2238 1 mg — AS-63776


Solution Structures and Integrin Binding Activities of an RGD Peptide with Two Isomers

Biochemistry . 2001 Feb 27 ; 40(8) 2373 | DOI : 10.1021/bi002101f

  • N. Munt
  • et al

Products : RGD-4C - 5 mg — AS-29898


Targeting Tumor Angiogenesis: Comparison of Peptide and Polymer-Peptide Conjugates

J Nucl Med . 2005 Sep 01 ; 46(9) 1552 | DOI : PMID: 16157540

  • BR. Line
  • et al

Products : RGD-4C - 5 mg — AS-29898


Ligand-directed surface profiling of human cancer cells with combinatorial peptide libraries.

Cancer Res. . 2006 Jan 01 ; 66(1) 34 | DOI : 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-05-2748

  • MG. Kolonin
  • et al

Products : RGD-4C - 5 mg — AS-29898


Adenoviral‐encoded antigens are presented efficiently by a subset of dendritic cells expressing high levels of αvβ3 integrins

J Leukocyte Bio . 2006 Mar 30 ; 79(6) 1271 | DOI :

  • A. Harui
  • et al

Products : RGD-4C - 5 mg — AS-29898


Integrin-targeted imaging and therapy with RGD4C-TNF fusion protein.

Mol Cancer Ther. . 2008 May 01 ; 7(5) 1044 | DOI : 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-07-2084

  • H. Wang
  • et al

Products : RGD-4C - 5 mg — AS-29898


Cell surface profiling with peptide libraries yields ligand arrays that classify breast tumor subtypes

Mol Cancer Ther.  . 2009 May 05 ; 8(5) 1312 | DOI : 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-08-1105

  • K. Dane
  • et al

Products : RGD-4C - 5 mg — AS-29898


Imaging Renin Content and Release in the Living Kidney

Nephron Physiol. . 2006 Mar 10 ; 103(2) p71 | DOI : 10.1159/000090622

  • I. Toma
  • et al

Products : Renin FRET Substrate, R-E(EDANS)--K(Dabcyl) - 1 mg — AS-62022


Increased renal renin content in mice lacking the Na+:H+ exchanger NHE2

Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. . 2008 Feb 20 ; 294(4) F937 | DOI : 10.1152/ajprenal.00591.2007

  • F. Hanner
  • et al

Products : Renin FRET Substrate, R-E(EDANS)--K(Dabcyl) - 1 mg — AS-62022