
Our publications


Effect of thrombin on human amnion mesenchymal cells, mouse fetal membranes, and preterm birth

J Biol Chem. . 2014 Mar 20 ; 289(19) 13295 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M114.550541

  • H. Mogami
  • et al

Products : Protease-Activated Receptor-1, PAR-1 Agonist - 1 mg — AS-61530


Cell death prevention, mitogen-activated protein kinase stimulation, and increased sulfatide concentrations in Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes by prosaposin and prosaptides

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . 1997 Apr 29 ; 94(9) 4778 | DOI : 10.1073/pnas.94.9.4778

  • M. Hiraiwa
  • et al

Products : Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-1 ; Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-5


Prosaptide activates the MAPK pathway by a G-protein-dependent mechanism essential for enhanced sulfatide synthesis by Schwann cells

FASEB J . 1998 Mar 01 ; 12(3) 307 | DOI : 10.1096/fasebj.12.3.307

  • WM. Campana
  • et al

Products : Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-1 ; Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-5


Reversal of thermal hyperalgesia in a rat partial sciatic nerve ligation model by Prosaptide™ TX14(A)

Neurosci Lett . 1999 Jul 23 ; 270(1) 29 | DOI :

  • D. Otero
  • et al

Products : Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-1 ; Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-5


Protection of sensory function and antihyperalgesic properties of a prosaposin-derived peptide in diabetic rats

Anesthesiology. . 2000 Nov 01 ; 93(5) 1271 | DOI : 10.1097/00000542-200011000-00021

  • NA. Calcutt
  • et al

Products : Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-1 ; Prosaptide TX14(A) — AS-60248-5


CNS Immune Responses Following Experimental Stroke

Neurocrit Care . 2009 Aug 28 ; 12(2) 274 | DOI : 10.1007/s12028-009-9270-4

  • D. Zierath
  • et al

Products : PLP (139-151) - 1 mg — AS-63912


Cerebral interleukin-15 shows upregulation and beneficial effects in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

J Neuroimmunol. . 2010 Apr 28 ; 223(1-2) 65 | DOI : 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2010.04.001

  • X. Wu
  • et al

Products : PLP (139-151) - 1 mg — AS-63912


Neuroinflammation Leads to Region-Dependent Alterations in Astrocyte Gap Junction Communication and Hemichannel Activity

J Neurosci . 2011 Jan 12 ; 31(2) 414 | DOI : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5247-10.2011

  • N. Karpuk
  • et al

Products : Pannexin-1 (Panx1), Mimetic Blocking Peptide - 1 mg — AS-61911


Stress peptide PACAP engages multiple signaling pathways within the carotid body to initiate excitatory responses in respiratory and sympathetic chemosensory afferents

Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. . 2013 Apr 17 ; 304(12) R1070 | DOI : 10.1152/ajpregu.00465.2012

  • A. Roy
  • et al

Products : PACAP (1-38), amide, human, ovine, rat — AS-22520 ; PACAP (1-38), amide, human, ovine, rat — AS-22519


Soluble adenylyl cyclase is required for netrin-1 signaling in nerve growth cones

Nat Neurosci. . 2006 Sep 10 ; 9(10) 1257 | DOI : 10.1038/nn1767

  • K. Wu
  • et al

Products : PACAP (1-27), amide, human, ovine, rat - 0.5 mg — AS-22527