
Our publications


Angiotensin IV elevates oxytocin levels in the rat amygdala and produces anxiolytic-like activity through subsequent oxytocin receptor activation

Psychopharmacology (Berl) . 2010 Mar 12 ; 209(4) 303 | DOI : 10.1007/s00213-010-1791-1

  • C. Beyer
  • et al

Products : Oxytocin Peptide — AS-24275 ; Oxytocin Peptide — AS-24276


Increased MDSC accumulation and Th2 biased response to influenza a virus infection in the absence of TLR7 in mice

PLoS One . 2011 Sep 23 ; 6(9) e25242 | DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0025242

  • V. Jeisy-Scott
  • et al

Products : OVA (329-337) - 1 mg — AS-64777


Selection and characterization of DARPins specific for the neurotensin receptor 1.

Protein Eng Des Sel . 2009 Apr 22 ; 22(6) 357 | DOI : 10.1093/protein/gzp011

  • P. Milovnik
  • et al

Products : Neurotensin (8-13) - 5 mg — AS-22964


Selective activation of central NPY Y1 vs. Y5 receptor elicits hyperinsulinemia via distinct mechanisms.

Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab . 2004 Jun 08 ; 287(4) E706 | DOI : 10.1152/ajpendo.00530.2003.

  • J. Gao
  • et al

Products : Neuropeptide Y, human, rat — AS-22464 ; Neuropeptide Y, human, rat — AS-22465


ICV NPY Y1 receptor agonist but not Y5 agonist induces torpor-like hypothermia in cold-acclimated Siberian hamsters.

Am J Physiol Regulatory Integrative Comp Physiol . 2007 Mar 01 ; 292(6) R2299 | DOI : 10.1152/ajpregu.00790.2006

  • KM. Pelz
  • et al

Products : Neuropeptide Y, human, rat — AS-22464 ; Neuropeptide Y, human, rat — AS-22465


PKMζ maintains memories by regulating GluR2-dependent AMPA receptor trafficking.

Nat Neurosci . 2010 Apr 11 ; 13(5) 630 | DOI : 10.1038/nn.2531.

  • P. Migues
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


PKMζ maintains 1‐day‐and 6‐day‐old long‐term object location but not object identity memory in dorsal hippocampus.

Hippocampus . 2010 Jun 01 ; 20(6) 691 | DOI : 10.1002/hipo.20708

  • O. Hardt
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Cellular pharmacology of protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ) contrasts with its in vitro profile: implications for PKMζ as a mediator of memory

J Biol Chem . 2012 Feb 29 ; 287(16) 12879 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M112.357244

  • AX. Wu-Zhang
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Inhibiting PKMζ reveals dorsal lateral and dorsal medial striatum store the different memories needed to support adaptive behavior.

Learn. Mem . 2012 Jan 01 ; 19 307 | DOI : 10.1101/lm.025148.111

  • WM. Pauli
  • et al

Products : Tat-GluR23Y - 1 mg — AS-64429 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Matching biochemical and functional efficacies confirm ZIP as a potent competitive inhibitor of PKMζ in neurons.

Neuropharmacol . 2012 Jul 27 ; 64 37 | DOI : 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2012.07.018

  • Y. Yao
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695