
Our publications


Protease activated receptor 2 (PAR2) activation is sufficient to induce the transition to a chronic pain state

Pain . 2015 May 01 ; 156(5) 859 | DOI : 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000000125.

  • DV. Tillu
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


PKCι interacts with Rab14 and modulates epithelial barrier function through regulation of claudin-2 levels. Mol Biol

Mol Biol Cell. . 2015 Feb 18 ; 26(8) 1523 | DOI : 10.1091/mbc.E14-12-1613

  • R. Lu
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Spinal dopaminergic projections control the transition to pathological pain plasticity via a D1/D5-mediated mechanism.

J Neurosci . 2015 Apr 22 ; 35(16) 6307 | DOI : 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3481-14.2015.

  • JV. Kim
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Zeta inhibitory peptide (ZIP) erases long-term memories in a cockroach.

Neurobiol Learning Memory . 2014 Nov 27 ; 118 89 | DOI : 10.1016/j.nlm.2014.11.011

  • Z. Deng
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Protein kinase C (PKC)ζ pseudosubstrate inhibitor peptide promiscuously binds PKC family isoforms and disrupts conventional PKC targeting and translocation.

Mol Pharmcol . 2015 Jul 21 ; 88(4) 728 | DOI : 10.1124/mol.115.099457.

  • AS. Bogard
  • et al

Products : Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate (ZIP) - 1 mg — AS-63361 ; Myristolated PKCz, Pseudosubstrate ZIP, Scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63695


Plasmacytoid dendritic cells sense skin injury and promote wound healing through type I interferons

J Exp Med . 2010 Nov 29 ; 207(13) 2921 | DOI : 10.1084/jem.20101102

  • J. Gregorio
  • et al

Products : CRAMP, mouse - 1 mg — AS-61305


Mammalian antimicrobial peptide influences control of cutaneous Leishmania infection.

Cell Microbiol . 2011 Apr 28 ; 13(6) 913 | DOI : 10.1111/j.1462-5822.2011.01589.x.

  • MM. Kulkarni
  • et al

Products : CRAMP, mouse - 1 mg — AS-61305


Nafcillin enhances innate immune-mediated killing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

J Mol Med . 2013 Dec 03 ; 92(2) 139 | DOI : 10.1007/s00109-013-1100-7

  • G. Sakoulas
  • et al

Products : CRAMP, mouse - 1 mg — AS-61305


Clonal selection of Helper T Cells is determined by an affinity threshold with no further skewing of TCR binding properties.

Immunity . 2004 Nov 01 ; 21(5) 669 | DOI : 10.1016/j.immuni.2004.09.008

  • L. Malherbe
  • et al

Products : Cytochrome C (MCC), Moth (88-103) - 1 mg — AS-60204-1


IL-2 secretion by CD4+ T cells in vivo is rapid, transient, and influenced by TCR-specific competition.

J Immunol . 2004 May 15 ; 172(10) 6136 | DOI : 10.4049/​jimmunol.172.10.6136.

  • DK. Sojka
  • et al

Products : Cytochrome C (MCC), Moth (88-103) - 1 mg — AS-60204-1