
Our publications


The function of follicular helper T cells is regulated by the strength of T cell antigen receptor binding.

Nature Immunol . 2009 Mar 01 ; 10(4) 372 | DOI : 10.1038/ni.1704.

  • N. Fazilleau
  • et al

Products : Cytochrome C (MCC), Moth (88-103) - 1 mg — AS-60204-1


Interplay between Akt and p38 MAPK Pathways in the Regulation of Renal Tubular Cell Apoptosis Associated with Diabetic Nephropathy.

Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. . 2009 Sep 02 ; 298(1) F49 | DOI : 10.1152/ajprenal.00032.2009

  • J. Rane. Madhavi
  • et al

Products : MAPS, Core, 8-Branch - 10 mg — AS-21006


Antimicrobial Peptides for Detection of Bacteria in Biosensor Assays.

Anal Chem . 2005 Oct 01 ; 77(19) 6504 | DOI : 10.1021/ac050639r

  • NV. Kulagina
  • et al

Products : Magainin 1 — AS-20791 ; Magainin 1 — AS-20792


Characterization of a Campylobacter jejuni VirK Protein Homolog as a Novel Virulence Determinant

Infect Immun . 2009 Sep 21 ; 77(12) 5428 | DOI : 10.1128/​IAI.00528-09.

  • V. Novik
  • et al

Products : Magainin 1 — AS-20791 ; Magainin 1 — AS-20792


Antimicrobial Peptides for Plaque Control.

Advances in Dental Research . 2009 Jul 31 ; 21(1) 57 | DOI : 10.1177/0895937409335627

  • P. Leung
  • et al

Products : Magainin 1 — AS-20791 ; Magainin 1 — AS-20792


Hydrophobic peptides affect binding of calmodulin and Ca2+ as explored by H/D amide exchange and mass spectrometry

Intl J Mass Spec . 2011 Apr 30 ; 302(1-3) 85 | DOI :

  • JB. Sperry
  • et al

Products : M13 Skeletal Muscle Myosin Light Chain Kinase Peptide, SK-MLCK M13 — AS-60184-5 ; M13 Skeletal Muscle Myosin Light Chain Kinase Peptide, SK-MLCK M13 — AS-60184-1


A thrombospondin-1 antagonist of transforming growth factor-beta activation blocks cardiomyopathy in rats with diabetes and elevated angiotensin II.

Am J Pathol . 2007 Sep 01 ; 171(3) 777 | DOI : 10.2353/ajpath.2007.070056.

  • S. Belmadani
  • et al

Products : Thrombospondin (TSP-1) Inhibitor, LSKL - 1 mg — AS-60877


LSKL, a peptide antagonist of thrombospondin-1, attenuates renal interstitial fibrosis in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction.

Archives Pharmac Res . 2010 Feb 24 ; 33(2) 275 | DOI : 10.1007/s12272-010-0213-6.

  • X. Xie
  • et al

Products : Thrombospondin (TSP-1) Inhibitor, LSKL - 1 mg — AS-60877


Glucose downregulation of PKG-I protein mediates increased thrombospondin1-dependent TGF-β activity in vascular smooth muscle cells.

Am J Physiol Cell Physiol . 2010 Feb 17 ; 298(5) C1188 | DOI : 10.1152/ajpcell.00330.2009.

  • S. Wang
  • et al

Products : Thrombospondin (TSP-1) Inhibitor, LSKL - 1 mg — AS-60877 ; Thrombospondin (TSP-1) Inhibitor scrambled peptide, SLLK - 1 mg — AS-60875


The Alzheimer’s Disease-Associated Amyloid b-Protein Is an Antimicrobial Peptide.

PLoS One . 2010 Mar 03 ; 5(3) e9505 | DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0009505.

  • S. Soscia
  • et al

Products : LL-37, scrambled - 1 mg — AS-63708