
Our publications


Enhanced trafficking to the pancreatic lymph nodes and auto-antigen presentation capacity distinguishes peritoneal B lymphocytes in non-obese diabetic mice.

Diabetologia . 2009 Nov 22 ; 53(2) 346 | DOI : 10.1007/s00125-009-1599-x

  • S. Alam
  • et al

Products : Insulin B (9-23) - 1 mg — AS-61532


Prolonged Production of TNF-{alpha} Exacerbates Illness during Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection.

J Immunol . 2004 Sep 01 ; 173(5) 3408 | DOI : 10.4049/jimmunol.173.5.3408

  • JA. Rutigliano
  • BS. Graham

Products : Influenza NP (147-155) - 1 mg — AS-61037


Potent immune responses and in vitro pro-inflammatory cytokine suppression by a novel adenovirus vaccine vector based on rare human serotype 28.

Vaccine . 2010 Jun 29 ; 28(35) 5691 | DOI : 10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.06.050

  • C. Kahl
  • et al

Products : Influenza NP (147-155) - 1 mg — AS-61037


Changes in autoreactive T cell avidity during type 1 diabetes development.

Clin. Immunol. . 2009 May 23 ; 132(3) 312 | DOI : 10.1016/j.clim.2009.04.013.

  • EA. Standifer
  • et al

Products : Influenza HA (307-319) - 1 mg — AS-61028


The flavonoid isoliquiritigenin reduces lung inflammation and mouse morbidity during influenza virus infection

Antimicrob Agents Chemother. . 2015 Jul 27 ; 59(10) 6317 | DOI : 10.1128/AAC.01098-15.

  • H. Traboulsi
  • et al

Products : Influenza A NP(366-374) Strain A/PR/8/35 - 1 mg — AS-60624


Effects of PARP-1 deficiency on airway inflammatory cell recruitment in response to LPS or TNF: differential effects on CXCR2 ligands and Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines.

J Leukocyte Biol . 2009 Sep 10 ; 86(6) 1385 | DOI : 10.1189/jlb.0309183

  • M. Zerfaoui
  • et al

Products : IL-8 Inhibitor - 1 mg — AS-62401


Mechanism of neutrophil recruitment to the lung after pulmonary contusion.

Shock . 2011 Jun 01 ; 35(6) 604 | DOI : 10.1097/SHK.0b013e3182144a50

  • JJ. Hoth
  • et al

Products : IL-8 Inhibitor - 1 mg — AS-62401


Direct Elucidation of disulfide bond partners using ultraviolet photodissociation mass spectrometry.

Anal Chem . 2011 Aug 02 ; 83(17) 6455 | DOI : 10.1021/ac201650v

  • A. Agarwal
  • et al

Products : IL-8 Inhibitor - 1 mg — AS-62401


Activation of endothelial BKCa channels causes pulmonary vasodilation.

Vas Pharmacol . 2010 May 12 ; 53(3-4) 122 | DOI : 10.1016/j.vph.2010.05.00.

  • A. Vang
  • et al

Products : Iberiotoxin (IbTX) - 0.1 mg — AS-60763


Genetic basis of the impaired renal myogenic response in FHH rats.

Am J Physiol Renal Physiol . 2012 Dec 05 ; 304(5) F565 | DOI : 10.​1152/​ajprenal.​00404.​2012.

  • M. Burke
  • et al

Products : Iberiotoxin (IbTX) - 0.1 mg — AS-60763