
Our publications


Preclinical Characteristics of the Hepatitis C Virus NS3/4A Protease Inhibitor ITMN-191 (R7227).

Antimicrob Agents Chemother . 2008 Sep 29 ; 52(12) 4432 | DOI : 10.1128/AAC.00699-08

  • S. Seiwert
  • et al

Products : HCV NS3/4A Protease Substrate - 1 mg — AS-60798


Development of a cell-based hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection FRET assay for high throughput antiviral compound screening.

Antimicrob Agents Chemo . 2009 Jul 20 ; 53(10) 4311 | DOI : 10.1128/AAC.00495-09.

  • X. Yu
  • et al

Products : HCV NS3/4A Protease Substrate - 1 mg — AS-60798


Identification of hepatitis C virus inhibitors targeting different aspects of infection using a cell-based assay.

Antimicrob Agents Chemother . 2012 Sep 04 ; 56(12) 6109 | DOI : 10.1128/AAC.01413-12

  • X. Yu
  • et al

Products : HCV NS3/4A Protease Substrate - 1 mg — AS-60798


Masking of β(1-3)-Glucan in the Cell Wall of Candida albicans from Detection by Innate Immune Cells Depends on Phosphatidylserine.

Infect Immun . 2014 Aug 11 ; 82(10) 4405 | DOI : 10.1128/IAI.01612-14.

  • SE. Davis
  • et al

Products : hBD-3, b-Defensin-3, human - 0.1 mg — AS-60741


Membrane dipeptidase is the receptor for a lung-targeting peptide identified by in vivo phage display.

J Biol Chem . 1999 Apr 23 ; 274(17) 11593 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.274.17.11593.

  • D. Rajotte
  • E. Ruoslahti

Products : GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950


Structure of a thrombospondin C-terminal fragment reveals a novel calcium core in the type 3 repeats. 

EMBO J  . 2004 Mar 11 ; 23(6) 1223 | DOI : 10.1038/sj.emboj.7600166

  • M. Kvansakul
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Cell-matrix entanglement and mechanical anchorage of fibroblasts in three-dimensional collagen matrices. 

Mol Biol Cell  . 2005 Nov 01 ; 16(11) 5070 | DOI : 10.1091/mbc.E05-01-0007

  • H. Jiang
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Induction of glioma cell migration by vitronectin in human serum and cerebrospinal fluid

J Neurosurg . 2007 Sep 01 ; 107(3) 578 | DOI : 10.3171/JNS-07/09/0578

  • Y. Fukushima
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Integrin αIIbβ3 Activation in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells and Platelets Increases Clustering Rather than Affinity. 

J Biol Chem  . 2010 Jan 15 ; 285(3) 1841 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M109.057349

  • T. Bunch
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945


Thy-1-integrin alphavbeta5 interactions inhibit lung fibroblast contraction-induced latent TGF-beta1 activation and myofibroblast differentiation. 

J Biol Chem  . 2010 May 12 ; 285(29) 22382 | DOI : 10.1074/jbc.M110.126227.

  • Y. Zhou
  • et al

Products : GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22946 ; GRGESP - 5 mg — AS-22950 ; GRGDSP Peptide — AS-22945