
Trademarks Labels

ABI Prism® 5700, 7000, 7500, 7700 and 7900 are registered trademarks of Applied Biosystems, Inc.
Acrydite® is a registered trademark of Mosaic Technologies Corp.
Alexa Fluor® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.AnaSpec® is a registered trademark of Anaspec, Inc.
AnaTag is a trademark of Anaspec, Inc.
ArrayIt® is a registered trademark of TeleChem International, Inc.
Benzonase® is a registered trademark of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
BHQ® is a registered trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.
BlackBerry® is a registered trademark of Berry & Associates, Inc.
Black Hole Quencher® is a registered trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.
BODIPY® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
CAL Fluor ® is a trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.
Cascade Blue® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
CDP Star® is a registered trademark of Applera Corp.
Cherry is a trademark of Delphi Genetics S.A.
Cy® and CyDye® are registered trademarks of Cytiva.
DHL is a trademark of Anaspec, Inc. Diamond Taq® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
DNA Engine Opticon® is a registered trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Dragonfly Orange is a trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
DyLight ® is a registered trademark of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Eclipse Dark Quencher is a trademark of ElitechGroup, Inc.
Eclipse Quencher is a trademark of ElitechGroup, Inc.
EGT® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
Eppendorf® is a registered trademark of Eppendorf AG.
Excel is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Eurogentec is a trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
Exiqon® is a registered trademark of Exiqon A/S
FLAG® is a registered trademark of Sigma-Aldrich Co
GeneAmp® is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.
GenePix® is a registered trademark of Astros Acquisition Sub II.
GenePix 4000® is a registered trademark of Astros Acquisition Sub II.
GetStaby™ is a trademark of Delphi Genetics S.A.
Gold’N Oligo ® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
GO® is a registered trademark of Anaspec, Inc.
GoldStar® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
Hilyte is a trademark of Anaspec, Inc.
iCycler iQ® is a registered trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
iCycler® is a registered trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
I-MUPID® is a registered trademark of Advance Co., Ltd.
iQ™5 is a trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
iQ-CHECK ® is a registered trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
LightCycler® is a registered trademark of Roche Diagnostics GmbH.
LNA® is a registered trademark of Exiqon A/S.
Lumavidin® is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp.
Luminex® is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp.
Luminex® 200™ is a trademark of Luminex Corp.
Luminex® XYP™ is a trademark of Luminex Corp.
Luminex® SD™ is a trademark of Luminex Corp.
Luminex® SeroMAP™ is a trademark of Luminex Corp.

MagPlex is a trademark of Luminex Corp.
MapMarker® is a registered trademark of BioVentures, Inc.
Marina Blue® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
MasterCycler® is a registered trademark of Eppendorf, Inc MGBTM is a trademark of ElitechGroup, Inc.
MGB Eclipse® is a registered trademark of ElitechGroup, Inc. MicroPlexTM is a trademark of Luminex Corp.
Mupid® is a registered trademark of Advance Co., Ltd.
Mx3000® is a registered trademark of Stratagene
Mx3000P® is a registered trademark of Stratagene
Mx3005P® is a registered trademark of Stratagene
Mx4000® is a registered trademark of Stratagene
NASBA® is a registered trademark of bioMerieux
Oli&GO 1•2•3 is a trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
OliGold® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
Onco-Mir® is a registered trademark of Ambion Inc.
Opticon® is a registered trademark of MJ Research, Inc.
Oregon Green® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
Oyster® is a registered trademark of Denovo Biolabels
Pacific Blue is a trademark of Life Technologies
Corp.Plexor is a trademark of Promega Corporation
Pulsar is a trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.
Quantica® is a registered trademark of Techne Ltd and Techne, Inc.
Quasar™ is a trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc.
Qiagen® and QiaQuick® are trademarks of Qiagen, Inc.
QSY® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
QXL® is a registered trademark of Anaspec, Inc. Rhodamine RedTM is a trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
Rotor-Gene® is a registered trademark of Corbett Research Pty Ltd
ROX is a trademark of Applera Corp. RP-Cartridge• Gold is a trademark of Eurogentec S.A.
SELEX is a trademark of Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Sensolyte® is a registered trademark of Anaspec, Inc.
Smartcycler® is a registered trademark of Cepheid, Inc.
StabyCloning™ is a trademark of Delphi Genetics S.A.
StabyExpress™ is a trademark of Delphi Genetics S.A.
Staby™ Codon is a trademark of Delphi Genetics S.A.
StepOne® is a registered trademark of Applera Corp. or its subsidiaries
SuperScript® is a registered trademark of Invitrogen Corp.
SYBR® Green is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
Takyon® is a registered trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
Taqman® is a registered trademark of Applied Biosystems, Inc.
Texas Red® is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corp.
TRIzol is a registered trademark of Molecular Research Center Inc.
UltraPureGold is a trademark of Kaneka Eurogentec S.A.
VersArray® is a registered trademark of Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Vic® is a registered trademark of Applera Corp. Word is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
xPONENT® is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp.
xMAP® is a registered trademark of Luminex Corp.
Yakima Yellow ® is a registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc.
Z-Fish® is a registered trademark of Anaspec, Inc.