A complete portfolio
covering all main qPCR Channels

Access Dyes and Quenchers include FAM, Yakima Yellow®, ROX, HiLyte Fluor™, EDQ, QXL® and others on request.
They span the full visible spectrum, from blue to far-red-shifted wavelengths.

Configure your Oligo

Channels Dye and Quencher pairs Dye Emission
λmax (nm)
Quencher Abs
λmax (nm)
Deep Blue Epoch Blue / DDQ1 460 440 Request Now
ATTO 390 / DDQ1 476 440 View more
ATTO 425 / DDQ1 485 440 View more
ATTO 465 / DDQ1 509 440 View more
Green Yellow FAM / EDQ 520 522 View more
Yellow Orange YY / EDQ 549 522 View more
AP5 / EDQ 549 522 Request Now
HEX / EDQ 556 522 View more
YY / QXL570 549 538-577 View more
Orange Red ROX / Q630 (Elitech) 602 630 Request Now
ROX / QXL®610 602 594-628 View more
AP593 / Q630 (Elitech) 613 630 Request Now
AP593 / QXL®610 613 594-628 Request Now
Red HL647 / QXL®670 675 668 View more
Infrared HL750 / IRQXL® 778 772 View more

Efficient Proprietary Molecules

Our proprietary QXL® Quenchers are highly efficient and are compatible with all the popular fluorescent dyes including our proprietary HiLyte™ Fluor dyes.

Their respective performances match or exceed the current pairs available on the market.

A Unique Partner for all your NAT Applications

We provide research, Track™ and diagnostic grade oligonucleotides.

Our offer ensures a smooth continuum from research to commercialization.

Contact us

A customizable and attractive offer

    • A universal solution for custom modified oligonucleotides or double dye probes incl. MGB Probes
    • Small to large synthesis scales
    • RUO to IVD grades incl. Track™ Oligos
    • Friendly license plans for use in commercial applications
    • Full OEM kitting services available

High Performance Probes

Comparative performance of some dye & quencher pairs in qPCR application: for each channel, identical probes (24 bp each) were synthesized and
labeled with selected pairs of dyes and quenchers. The recommended Access™ Probe Pair is highlighted in orange.

Experiments were performed under standard conditions using Takyon™ No Rox Probe Mastermix dTTP from Eurogentec.

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EDQ Pair

Pair 1

Dye/Quencher performance comparison for FAM/TAMRA, FAM/BHQ1® and FAM/EDQ pairs. The recommended pair is in orange.

Yakima Yellow/
QXL®570 Pair

Pair 2

Dye/Quencher performance comparison for YY/EDQ, YY/BHQ1® and YY/QXL®570 pairs. The recommended pair is in orange.

QXL® 610 Pair

Pair 3

Dye/Quencher performance comparison for ROX/DDQ2, ROX/BHQ2® and ROX/QXL®610 pairs. The recommended pair is in orange.

HiLyte Fluor™647/
QXL®670 Pair

Pair 4

Dye/Quencher performance comparison for Cy®5/QXL®670 and HiLyte™ Fluor 647/QXL®670 pairs. The recommended pair is in orange.

HiLyte Fluor™750/

Access™ IR Pair

Dedicated for use in Infrared channel.

Absorption and Emission spectra respectively for the IR-QXL® quencher and the HiLyte™ Fluor750 dye.

BHQ® is a registered trademark of Biosearch Technologies, Inc. Cy® is a registered trademark of GE Healthcare.
Eclipse Dark Quencher is a trademark of ElitechGroup, Inc. Hilyte™ is a trademark of Anaspec,Inc.
QXL® is a registered trademark of Anaspec,Inc AquaPhluor® is a trademark of ElitechGroup, Inc.
Yakima Yellow® is a registered trademark of Epoch Biosciences, Inc.