In vitro

At Eurogentec, monoclonal antibodies are produced exclusively in vitro, in accordance with the Belgian animal regulations and the 2010-63-EU directive for animal welfare.

Up to
100g mAb

Our facilities are equipped to produce from mg to gram mAb scale.

For requests of 200mg and higher, a test study is systematically performed to evaluate the clone productivity.

The Best production scheme

Based on the requested mAb amount and the clone productivity, we select the best production scheme using flasks, roller bottles or bioreactors.

Production scale

Depending on the mAb amount requested and the hybridoma production yield,
we select for you the most adapted production system which will guaranty the best production level.

For large-scale production batches (>200 mg), a test run is always performed, to assess the clone productivity.
The cost for this test run is deduced from the subsequent production run to which the defined parameters are applied. 

Starting materials

Hybridoma cells

The Hybridoma cells can be developed at Eurogentec
or provided by the customer.

Research & Development

From 1 mg
to 100 mg

Culture in flasks or roller bottles

Pilot Study

From 500 mg
to 100 g

Culture in roller bottle
Hybridoma characterization, mycoplasma testing, isotyping

Scale up

From 500mg
to 100g

Large scales are produced in hollow-fiber technology-based bioreactors (AutovaxID, up to 30g/month).

Boost my hybridoma’s

Our antibody experts have established a proprietary protocol to boost the productivity of hybridomas. It usually gives a productivity increase from +20 to +600% (recorded so far).

Learn more about our protocol

Do you need custom hybridomas?

We accompany you from the antigen design and production to the hybridoma selection, isotyping and cell banking.

Discover our offer

Need large scale production of antibodies?

Explore our service dedicated to large scale projects.

Discover more