
Format and packaging


2 mL tube: By default, each oligonucleotide is provided in individual 2 mL tube. Higher volume can be delivered on request (15 mL, 50mL)

96-well plates: Cluster tubes, well plates and deep well plates are available for oligos up to 59 bases.

Aliquoting: All the oligonucleotides in solution can be split in small aliquots of desired volume (from 50 to 1000µl).


Dried: All the synthesized oligonucleotides are dried by default (except SePOP unmodified oligonucleotides from 15 to 39 bases).

In solution: You may select the nature of the reconstitution buffer (H2O or TE), the volume of the reconstitution buffer (from 50 to 1000 µl) or/and the final oligonucleotides concentration (from 5 to 250 µM).

Annealed: Oligonucleotides are annealed by a short treatment at 94°C followed by a progressive cooling to room temperature. siRNA or cloning linkers are annealed by default.

Mixed: Similar amounts of forward and reverse oligonucleotides can be mixed in a single tube

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